Husmus: A charming recycling system for beneath your kitchen sink


In English, Husmus means “house mouse.” It’s also the name of a new recycling bin system by We Muungano (who had a part in the PeePoo Bag), named for the abstract mouse face created by the rivets and handles on the front of the container.

In addition to being cute, the bins are sized in response to hard-core research on “kitchen sizes, different types of standard modules, garbage throwing behavior, sizes of plastic and paper bags, and the weight of glass, metal and paper.” The bins, made from recycled plastics, are cut in such a way that plastic and paper bags can fit into them in different configurations, depending on the user’s specific needs. For example. each bin can hold two or more bags, separating glass and plastic with just one container. Or use the shorter one to fit under the plumbing.


The bins cost between 15 and 22,50 euros each, ship flat (with rivets) and can be bought directly from Muungano.

More shots after the jump.


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