Hot In The Hive: TearDrop Waterproof iPod Speaker

imageDon’t be embarrassed. So you like to indulge yourself in some tunes while showering — no big deal. Who doesn’t? Now, with the TearDrop Waterproof iPod Speaker, you don’t have to rock out a cappella while you wash, and your roommates won’t have to hear your out-of-tune vibrato echoing through the paper-thin walls of your apartment. The speaker’s cute teardrop design simply unscrews to open, offering a sturdy perch for your iPod (of almost any make or model), and encloses it in a safe and waterproof shell that will let you have your jam session in any splash-prone zone — beach, pool, shower, kitchen, etc. Just try not to have too much fun while you’re washing dishes in rhythm with the latest Britney single — save some water for the whales!

Price: $58
Who Found It: xgalexy was the first to add the TearDrop Waterproof iPod Speaker to the Hive.

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