Hot In The Hive: Desk Cassette Tape Dispenser

imageOne of my favorite childhood memories was gluing myself to the stereo and waiting for my favorite songs to come on so I could hit record and put it on my cassette tape. Okay, maybe I’m showing my age a little bit, but I miss those days! Before iTunes playlists or burned CDs, there were carefully crafted mix tapes that were for your listening pleasure or for your #1 crush. Anyway, even though those days are long gone there are plenty of people like myself who wouldn’t mind a small reminder of our history with analog. The Desk Cassette Tape Dispenser is a fun and functional desk accessory I wouldn’t mind having in my office. Be prepared to explain what it is to anyone born in the 90s though. The only difference is that this time it’s probably not the end of the world if the tape runs out in the middle of a song!

Price: $19.99
Who Found It: facadeindreams was first to add the Desk Cassette Tape Dispenser to the Hive.

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