Hope in the White House Tees


You may not have been able to get your hands on a ticket to Obama’s historic inauguration taking place this Tuesday in D.C., but you can still show your support and sanguine sentiments for the new President with New Orleans artist Dan Tague’s clever t-shirts.

While the folded dollar bill concept takes us back to our high school days, the statements Tague has created with them put us in the right frame for the future with phrases like Yes We Can, One For All, and Hope In The White House, all spelled out with nothing but the letters provided on each George Washington. In order to really spread the faith, Tague joined forces with New Orleans gallery owner Jonathan Ferrara, who most recently helped organize Prospect.1, New Orleans’ first biennial and the largest-ever international contemporary art show in the United States.

You can purchase the shirts online, where they range in price depending on style, but no matter which you choose $1 is donated to New Orleans Habitat for Humanity.

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