Hanging by Rita Botelho

Hanging by Rita Botelho

Product and jewellery designer Rita Botelho has created a series of earrings featuring tiny figurines, including this one in rock-climbing gear.

Hanging by Rita Botelho

Called Hanging, the pieces are made of wire with little figurines attached that appear to be climbing up or resting against the metal wire.

Hanging by Rita Botelho

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Hanging by Rita Botelho

Here’s a tiny bit of text from Botelho:

Name: Hanging
Typology: Earrings


Hanging is a collection of earrings which takes advantage of a silver wire hook as the main element to tell a story. By using miniature figures hung on the wire, it becomes possible to create imaginary scenarios, where for instance, a climber uses a rope to ascend, or a sportsperson uses a pole to rest.

Hanging by Rita Botelho


Silver wire
Miniature figures

See also:


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