Hands On: the show in a shoebox

As part of the London Design Festival, studioXAG has created an exhibition of product design in a giant-size shoebox

Hands On recreates an ‘idyllic Edwardian parlour’ as if it were an enormous shoebox house. Everything  from the traditional fireplace and floorboards, to  sash windows complete with shutters has been built in cardboard while, above, two giant cardboard hands appear to be playing with the objects.

Dotted about the room are real products from young designers, all of whom are Central St Martins graduates, as are studioXAG themselves.

Featured products include Hektor Mamet’s Leaning Chair

David Clarke’s Deep Spoons

and Reiko Kaneko’s Drip Teas & Lip Tease teacups.

Hands On is at the Arts Gallery, University of the Arts London, 272 High Holborn, WC1 from September 16 until October 29.

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