Hack2Work Highlight: The Definitive DIY Guide for Professional Designers



Searching for a fun way to break up the workday? Or a killer office prank to play on your favorite co-worker? Look no further: Christy Canida selects several of the best office-themed projects from the deep DIY coffers of Instructables, where she directs community and marketing. From custom chairs to booby traps, laptop stands to living keyboards, her :Definitive DIY Guide for Professional Designers” will never leave you without something to make. For example, on pranks:

If your office mates have a decent sense of humor, April 1st (or even their vacation) can be an excellent opportunity to show how much you care. We at Instructables are easily amused, so after Randy redecorated the offices one empty Friday we turned his office into a beach. The 100% foil-wrapped Silver Surfer office is another time-consuming classic, but you can fake a packing peanut-filled office in no time flat. My personal favorite requires a bit of advanced planning, but it’s well worth it to welcome someone home from vacation with a sprouted green keyboard!

>> Read the rest of Christy’s piece here
>> Check out more more shortcuts & advice from Hack2Work: Essential Tips for the Design Professional


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