Hack2Work Highlight: How To Pitch Me, by Linda Tischler


Linda Tischler, senior writer for Fast Company, has a very candid piece in our Hack2Work Special, entitled “How To Pitch Me” where she breaks down all the dos and don’ts for getting your design firm noticed by the business press. Here’s a taste:

1. DO NOT, under ANY circumstances, send me unsolicited files over 1MB. My inbox is already the bane of my sys admin’s existence, and your file could be the straw that crashes the whole thing. If that happens, my BlackBerry’s out of business, and you land on my list of pitch pariahs for all eternity.

2. Come up with a searchable subject line. Give me an easy way to find your strand of gold among the dross.

3. Make that first line a zinger. I read a lot of pitches on the subway, on my cell. Long-winded pitches, with the lede buried somewhere in the third ‘graph, are gone before I reach 14th Street.

4. For god’s sake, read the magazine before you pitch. We do not, nor have we ever, run announcements of someone’s promotion to SVP.

>> Read the rest of Linda’s piece here
>> Check out more more shortcuts & advice from Hack2Work: Essential Tips for the Design Professional


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