Group Project by Itay Ohaly

Led by Israeli product designer Itay Ohaly, a group of nine designers worked in isolation on the eclectic parts for this table, chair and lamp.

Group Project by Itay Ohaly

“The Group Project is a non-linear design method – a disconnected collaboration between individual designers,” says Itay Ohaly, who started working on the project as part of his master’s degree at Design Academy Eindhoven.

Group Project by Itay Ohaly

Above: chair with leg by Dana Cannam, seat by Joon Han Lee and back by Agata Karolina

The three pieces were designed for an exhibition in an old coal mine in Genk, Belgium, last summer.

Group Project by Itay Ohaly

Above: lamp with base by Nati Moskovich, lampshade by Naama Bergman and stem by Itay Ohaly

Each of the nine designers was tasked with producing a single part of one object: a table, chair or lamp. After creating the parts, they gathered to work out how to assemble the final objects.

Group Project by Itay Ohaly

Above: table with legs by Christian Fiebig, top by Amelia Desnoyers and drawer by Eugenia Morpurgo

“Luckily, we didn’t have to make significant changes,” Ohaly told Dezeen. “For example, the chair back [by Agata Karolina] was initially designed with wooden round profiles, and it was changed to square profiles to fit the pattern of the seat.”

Group Project by Itay Ohaly

Above: concept design for the project

The joints of the table legs were also altered to fit the different levels underneath the table top, while the connection between the lampshade and the stem was made specifically to fit the chosen materials, he adds.

Group Project by Itay Ohaly

Above: each of the nine parts

We’ve featured a few other projects by Ohaly on Dezeen, including a series of chairs with broken backs and a collection of jewellery carved from layers of coloured paint.

See all our stories about Itay Ohaly »
See all our stories about furniture »

Photographs are by Ohaly.

Here’s some more information from the designer:

The Group Project is a non-linear design method – a disconnected collaboration between individual designers. A ‘group project’ starts with a selection of objects that are to be designed. Each one of these objects is divided and broken into smaller parts.

All parts are designed according to a specific theme; however, each part is designed by a different designer without communicating with the other designers. When the parts’ design phase is finished, the group meets to perform minor necessary adjustments. Afterwards, all parts are produced and assembled.

This kind of method composes a group exhibition within a single object. Each designer’s different approach and style are expressed together in one object, establishing a dialogue between the object’s different parts.

Especially for the ‘Machine’ exhibition – which took place in an old coal mine, the C-mine, in Genk, Belgium – nine designers collaborated to create a set of three objects; a table, a chair and a lamp. These objects were designed according to the theme ‘the C-mine’.

The designers of Group Project C-Mine-

» Dana Cannam – chair leg
» Joon Han Lee – chair seat
» Agata Karolina – chair back

» Christian Fiebig – table leg
» Amelia Desnoyers – table top
» Eugenia Morpurgo – table drawer

» Nati Moskovich – lamp base
» Naama Bergman – lampshade
» Itay Ohaly – lamp leg

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by Itay Ohaly
appeared first on Dezeen.

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