Greenpeace UK’s BP logo redesign competition

p”Their nice green logo doesn’t really seem to fit them too well, so we’re running a competition to find a logo that we can use to rebrand BP,” says Greenpeace UK. It seems a shame they’re capping A HREF=”” their competition/A with a June 28th deadline, when the actual oil well is not due to be capped until late August. Perhaps the competition will be extended./p

pIn the meantime, they’re already approaching 700 entries, all of which can be seen on A HREF=”” their Flickr page/A. Below are a few of our favorites:/p

pimg alt=”0bplogocomp.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”1988″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pTo enter or just learn more about the competition–which was actually sparked by BP’s involvement with Canadian tar sands but has snowballed following the Gulf disaster–A HREF=”” click here/ /
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