Greenpeace Kicks Off Redesign Contest for BPs Logo

If you had to guess what environmental activism group would be most interested/involved in the Gulf oil spill, you’d likely pick Greenpeace, and you’d be absolutely right (sorry, we’re not offering any prizes at this time). While they help in the clean up process, they’re rallying against the oil company responsible for the mess, British Petroleum, in a number of ways. Most relevant to our interests is their launching a contest to redesign BP’s logo. They’ve already made their own, changing the company’s “Beyond Petroleum” tag to “British Polluters,” with oil stains on their familiar starburst logo, which they snuck in and hung near the company’s offices in London (see the video below). Now they’re asking for an official rebranding, which they hope to receive from this contest. The winner’s new logo will be used for all of Greenpeace’s future efforts in fighting BP. All the entries they’ve received thus far are here.

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