Greener Gadgets TOP 50 Highlight: Power-Hog piggy bank power meter


Teach ’em young! The Power-Hog power consumption metering piggy bank is designed “to sensitize kids to energy cost associated with running electronics devices.” Plug the tail into an outlet and a device into the snout. Then have your kids feed in a coin to meter out 30 minutes of use.

Yowza. Designed by Mathieu Zastawny, Mansour Ourasanah, Tom Dooley, Peter Byar, Elysa Soffer, and Mathieu Turpault, we understand the temptation to target this at kids, but what about upping the ante for grown-ups? Wanna watch the entire Thursday night lineup on NBC? Well, it’ll cost ya. And how about running that blow dryer? Hmm, we’ll just use a towel, thanks.

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