Greener Gadgets TOP 50 Highlight: Fastronauts – Powered by Play


Certainly a crowd favorite, Fastronauts – Powered by Play are “little dynamos”–toys that you power by attaching to your bike or rolling on the floor–that teach kids about energy production in a very playful way. Designed by Sara Paculdo, the devices are “like pedometers, but taken to a whole new level.”

Childhood obesity, disposable batteries in landfill – Fastronauts toys tackle these problems. Powered by play, each figure has a rechargeable battery, and each vehicle has a dynamo. Plug a Fastronaut into the handheld moon cruiser and roll for lights and sounds. Plug a Fastronaut into the bike-mounted rocket and pedal to power lights, sounds, a speedometer and an odometer. Each Fastronaut has a power indicator that can be pressed to make the Fastronaut talk. Children get instant feedback as they create energy, and that is strong motivation to be active.

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