Greener Gadgets TOP 50 Highlight: Eco-Neighbuzz product and service sharing device


Just a hair short of the internet of things, Greener Gadget Top 50 Semi-Finalist Eco-Neighbuzz, designed by Korhan Buyukdemirci, captures our imagination for what a product and service-sharing system could look like in a residential setting.

When thinking about green design, we need to design good services which help us to consume less and share more. This means car-sharing, free-cycling (giving unused items for free), recycling, etc. We should first start doing this with our closest community – our neighbours. Even when we have good relationships with our neighbours, we are still missing a good service platform to improve upon it. Eco-neighbuzz is a great platform to build a greener community with our neighbours. Essentially, it is a voice message to neighbours. Interaction with the device happens through a touch screen and handset, using speech-to-text functionality.

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