Greener Gadgets TOP 50 Highlight: Coffee-powered inkjet printer


This concept is delicious and irresistible! The RITI Printer Eco-Friendly Printer submitted by Jeon Hwan Ju (Korea) substitutes expensive inkjet cartridges with a reservoir that uses “coffee or tea dregs.” We figure you end up staining your documents with coffee or tea rings anyway, so those liquids “print” pretty well on office paper, thank you very much. Bring up the resolution, and you just might have a greener gadget after all (or at least a more fragrant one).

Jeon Hwan Ju adds another twist by getting rid of the power: the print head is activated by grabbing the cartridge atop the unit and moving it left and right across the width of the paper. “When print finishes, pull out the paper from the printer and wash the ink case.” And then, of course, it’ll probably be time to brew more coffee!

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