Glowing orbs cupped in wire baskets to form pendant lamps

Wire baskets cradle balls of light to create these lamps by Barcelona designer Martín Azú.

Light Container by Martin Azua

Martín Azúa‘s Light Container pendant lamps comprise black metal baskets that each hold a diffused glass lightbulb. “A mass of light inside a metallic basket seems like it is floating,” said the designer.

Light Container by Martin Azua

Suspended using invisible string, the lamps appear to be supported by the curving black electrical cord.

Light Container by Martin Azua

The black baskets tilt upwards so the rounded bulbs don’t roll out of the holes in the top.

Light Container by Martin Azua

The lamp comes in three different sizes and is part of a limited edition of five thousand units.

Here is some more information from the designer:

A mass of light inside a metallic basket seems like it is floating. Light is immaterial, but at the same time lamps are also objects. In this case we treat light as something with weight and volume. It is made in three different sizes that can be hung individually or in groups of two or three.

Light Container by Martin Azua

The glass diffuser generates a nice warm dim light with soft shadows, suitable for restaurant tables, counters, receptions, meeting and working tables. Its sculptural character allows the personalisation of singular halls, stairwells.

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to form pendant lamps
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