Friday Photo: Cubicle Garden

Garden cubicle.jpg

“Our office neat-freak left for vacation. Two-hundred pounds of topsoil later…” Such is the description provided for this photo, uploaded by a viewer of NBC’s The Office as part of the show’s ongoing call for office photos (the 1,716 images submitted to date are heavy on the gelatin-encased staplers and acres of aluminum foil). Note the lawnchair, the miniature picket fence, lovingly planted marigolds, and what appears to be a Fisher-Price record player (can’t garden without one!) there in the corner beside the phone. We bring you today’s Friday Photo not only to suggest a great Memorial Day weekend project, but also as a teaser for this week’s Studio 360. In the “Design for the Real World” segment below, the Kurt Andersen-hosted radio show goes to work on cubicles. Did you know that they were originally designed to promote health and wellness? “Cubicle pioneer” Joe Schwartz explains:

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