Foundations of an uncluttered life: Useful, beautiful, and in its place

The 19th century designer William Morris is attributed as saying: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” This quote is always great to keep in mind as you’re deciding which of your possessions you want to keep and which you want to purge.

  • Is it useful? Does the object make your life easier? Does it save you time? Does it save you money? Does it fulfill an essential need? Do you use it every time you can?
  • Is it beautiful? Does it inspire you? Do you associate a positive memory with it? Can you see it and appreciate its beauty? Does it help you to develop the remarkable life you want to live?

Another helpful quote to keep in mind during the uncluttering process is the Unclutterer motto: “A place for everything and everything in its place.” Combined, these two philosophies can get you on an uncluttered path. Good luck!

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