Filing with zip top bags

Reader Arnette has created an unconventional filing and reminder system that works wonders for keeping her organized. She wrote to me about it, and I wanted to share it with you because it’s unlike any system I’ve used. From Arnette:

This idea came to me when I was trying to find a way to file small notes to myself or related small pieces of paper on a particular subject. For example, each time I set up an appointment with a new doctor or dentist, I prepare a “baggie file” and then any time I think of something to discuss with the doctor, I put a note in the file, which I review just before the appointment. I currently use quart freezer bags as a mini filing system. I place a used white envelope (appx. 4×9″) into the baggie after writing the “label” information on it at the top (on the clean back of the envelope). I put all info related to that subject in the labeled baggie. I then place these mini files in a small crate or bin which can then be placed on a desk or in a file drawer. This system works very well when traveling, also (minus the bins) especially if the trip involves many different locations. Each baggie contains everything needed for each location, such as maps, hotel info, etc. I always have one labeled “home” in which I place receipts and notes to review when I get home. If needed, I place all the quart “files” in a gallon baggie and zip it for security. I also use a similar system when shopping.

If zip top bags you can buy at the grocery store aren’t professional looking enough for your needs, check out Uline’s selection of reclosable bags. Some of the options are professional enough to take to meetings.

Thanks to reader Arnette for sharing her system with us.

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