Feel The Burn In Winter-Proof Workout Wear!

imageStarting off the year with a fitness goal can be daunting,especially if your year begins in the thick of winter. Sometimes, however, the fresh air and the people-free running routes are exactly what you’re looking for in a workout. Even more preferable may be the fact that you don’t have to worry about passing out from summer’s suffocating heat. If the thought of a serene and invigorating workout isn’t enough to get you to take your workout outside, perhaps some of these helpful tips will. Get your blood pumping in a pair of slippery-surface-friendly shoes, sweat sustaining yet frost fighting gloves, or a jealousy-generating jacket useful for many an occasion other than working your butt off. As important as it is to stay in good health, it’s also important to do it safely: staying insulated in the cold, visible in the dark, and hydrated in the moisture-less air. Keep those resolutions within reach until winter’s end, and by the time it’s warm enough to sport a swimsuit, your hard work will reveal a you that you’ll be burning to show off! Check out the slideshow to get started!

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