Fábrica Moritz by Jean Nouvel

Fabrica Moritz by Jean Nouvel

French architect Jean Nouvel has renovated a nineteenth century brewery in Barcelona to make way for restaurants, bars, a bakery and a museum.

Fabrica Moritz by Jean Nouvel

The renovated Fábrica Moritz is the home of Catalan brewer Moritz, which was first started up in 1856 and relaunched by the Moritz family in 2004 after a 26 year hiatus.

Fabrica Moritz by Jean Nouvel

The main production now takes place in Zaragoza but the renovation at Ronda de Sant Antoni contains a small underground brewery with a 25-metre-long tin bar.

Fabrica Moritz by Jean Nouvel

Metal brewing tanks are on show inside glass display cases, beside a wall of plants that climb up one side of the building.

Fabrica Moritz by Jean Nouvel

Other recent projects by Jean Nouvel include designs for a police headquarters in Belgium and a stacking metal chair.

Fabrica Moritz by Jean Nouvel

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Fabrica Moritz by Jean Nouvel

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Fabrica Moritz by Jean Nouvel

Photography is by Iñigo Bujedo Aguirre.

Fabrica Moritz by Jean Nouvel

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