Exclusive US Preview of the Plumen at Hand-Eye Supply
Posted in: Uncategorizedpimg alt=”Plumen_HES_Exhibition.jpg” src=”http://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/Plumen_HES_Exhibition.jpg” width=”468″ height=”438″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p
pCore77’s Hand-Eye Supply is happy to invite you to our first reception: the US debut of the a href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/hulger_launches_the_plumen_001_the_worlds_first_designer_low-energy_light_bulb_17355.asp”Plumen Light Bulb/a, the world’s first designer energy saving bulb. The story of the Plumen is one dear to our hearts here at Core77: it is one of innovation, sustainability, and good-old fashioned can-do making./p
pThe a href=”http://plumen.com/”Plumen 001/a is the culmination of three year’s of development effort by the small British firm Hulger. Known for their retro Skype phone handsets Hulger strives to soften technology with a poetic, human touch. In the Plumen they have employed recent advances in compact fluorescent lamps to enable a mass-market make-over of one of modern life’s unappreciated workhorses. The resulting form is worthy of its predecessor’s visual-icon status. Plumen’s intertwined loops are reminiscent of the glowing filaments of early clear bulbs, adding a subtle retro aspect to a thoroughly contemporary design./p
pThe lamps will be available in October exclusively for the UK and European markets. Though they work with any normal screw-in lamp fixture the bulbs require European voltages to operate properly. The Plumen bulbs at Hand-Eye Supply are pre-release and retrofitted to accept US electrical current./p
pCome join us for some elbow-rubbing, libations and fun; we’ll be raffling off one of the bulbs at the end of the night!/p
pa href=”http://www.handeyesupply.com/blogs/news/1964012-opening-reception-the-plumen-bulb-at-hand-eye-supply”strongThe Plumen Bulb at Hand-Eye Supply/strong/abr /
Thursday, September 23rdbr /
Reception: 5:30pm – 8pmbr /
23 NW 4th Avenuebr /
Portland, Oregon a href=”http://maps.google.com/maps?f=qsource=s_qhl=engeocode=q=23+NW+4th+Ave,+Portland,+OR+97209sll=37.0625,-95.677068sspn=54.401733,69.609375ie=UTF8hq=hnear=23+NW+4th+Ave,+Portland,+Multnomah,+Oregon+97209t=hview=mapz=16″(Map)/a/p
pQuestions? Please call: 503-575-9769 or email info[at]handeyesupply.com/pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/exclusive_us_preview_of_the_plumen_at_hand-eye_supply_17397.asp”(more…)/a
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