Ex-ICSID boss would’ve had us on e-bikes circa 1946
Posted in: Uncategorizedpimg alt=”0blackebike.jpg” src=”http://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/0blackebike.jpg” width=”468″ height=”275″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p
pThat’s a prototype for an electric bicycle designed by Sir Misha Black, the influential UK industrial designer behind a 1946 exhibition called “Britain Can Make It.” /p
blockquoteShortly after the end of the Second World War, Sir Misha designed the ‘Britain can make it’ exhibition, held at the Victoria and Albert Museum. The exhibition was intended to boost morale by promoting the British manufacturing industry that was decimated after the war. Industry was to play a vital part in British post-war reconstruction. Sir Misha included a section called the ‘benefits of good design’, where he promoted good design as a force for social change./blockquote
pBlack was made the first president of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design in 1959, and was knighted for his contributions to industry and business in the UK. He is now A HREF=”http://www.icsid.org/news/year/2010_news/articles1144.htm” being honored by ICSID/A on the occasion of what would have been his 100th birthday. br /
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