Espresso Solo by Shmuel Linski

espresso solo by shmuel linski

Here’s a concrete espresso machine by Shenkar College of Engineering and Design student Shmuel Linski.

espresso solo by shmuel linski

Called Espresso Solo, the conceptual product features metal working parts and a concrete case.

espresso solo by shmuel linski

Here’s some more information from Linski, who is due to graduate next year:

ESPRESSO SOLO : concrete espresso machine for lavazza, designed by Shmuel Linski, Israel.

The espresso machine makes only espresso: short and long.

espresso solo by shmuel linski

The design process begun in choosing the material: I chose concrete. I had a vision: concrete in the kitchen, not only as a wall or decorative part, I wanted it to be a desirable consumer product.

espresso solo by shmuel linski

The contrast between the roughness, massiveness and hardness of the concrete and the fine metal parts, which are dealing with the coffee preparation process, was very challenging and interesting for me.

espresso solo by shmuel linski

The machine works with coffee beans: they are poured from the top part. The water is poured into “water drawer” in the back.

espresso solo by shmuel linski

See also:


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by Lucidi and Pevere
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