Espresso machine by Yaniv Berg

Espresso machine by Yaniv Berg

Here’s another espresso machine from the Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, this time by Israeli industrial design student Yaniv Berg.

Coffee machine by yaniv berg

The yellow espresso machine is inspired by the the Bauhaus movement and from the same project as Espresso Solo by Shmuel Linski (see our previous story).

Coffee machine by yaniv berg

Here’s some more information from Yaniv, who is due to graduate next year:

I designed this espresso machine during my last semester.

Coffee machine by yaniv berg

Influenced by Italians designers and the Bauhaus, I wanted to create a simple espresso machine which was built from 3 tubes at the heart of it.

Coffee machine by yaniv berg

But also to create a “interesting balance” by separate and lift the upper plate moving a side the main tube from it base.

Coffee machine by yaniv berg

The logo on the machine is “nespresso”.

See also:


Espresso Solo
by Shmuel Linski
New products
from Metaphys
design stories
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