Ellen Lupton (and Her New Book) to Appear at Cooper-Hewitt Tomorrow


We’ve been big suckers for Ellen Lupton for as long as we can remember and we’re guessing you probably are too. So we (and you) were thrilled to learn of her new book, Design Your Life, and maybe even more thrilled (we’re still exhausted from all these constant thrills) to learn that the grand dame of design will be appearing soon at the Cooper-Hewitt for a reading/signing. It all goes down tomorrow, Thursday the 25, at 6:30pm and you can register right here. The info:

Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum is pleased to present a lecture event with Ellen Lupton, curator of contemporary design. Lupton will discuss her new book, Design Your Life: The Pleasures and Perils of Everyday Things (St. Martin’s Press, May 2009), which she co-wrote with her twin sister Julia. Design Your Life discusses popular interest in design and the evolution of consumerism. It wittily and helpfully causes the reader to reflect on the things in his or her life — housekeeping, time-management, parenthood, entertaining, and more.

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