Earthquakes be damned, Japanese tech school’s modernist Crystal Palace for students

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pLooks like a rendering, dunnit? But that’s an actual photograph of A HREF=”″ a student projects center at Japan’s Kanagawa Institute of Technology/A. Made mostly of glass, it was either designed by a vengeful architect to torment his sworn-enemy window washer, or they just made it because it’s freakin’ cool and lets in a lot of light. And while we wouldn’t be surprised to see a glass structure like this in, say, Paris or Germany, we were quite surprised to see it located in Japan, where earthquake-proof construction doesn’t yield a lot of structures like this./p

pDesigned by the architecture firm Junya Ishigami and Associates, the building, which is supported from within by seemingly randomly-placed columns, has a rather interesting story. Hit the jump to read about it in Ishigami’s own words./p

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