Dysons Recent Burst of Hiring Leads to Speculation


Staying in the UK a bit longer this morning, it appears that James Dyson and his company has something big and new cooking. Or rather, potentially a lot of new somethings. The product design company has recently hired 100 new engineers. This following their huge bump back in April when they announced that they planned to take their engineering team from 350 to 700 people (though most likely this new 100 is fitting within that original increase). What’s more, the company has just put out a call for 15 new employees for their marketing department, telling Brand Republic that they’re “developing lots of new ideas, so we need to expand our team to help us tell people about them.” The sudden increase in hiring has led people to speculate what the company is working on, including going back to the video released for their Air Multiplier wherein a portion of a certain shot was blurred out. Will it result in something so mind bogglingly cool that it will forever change the way we live, or a lot of hype and a disappointing payoff, like when Dean Kamen finally released the Segway? Only time will tell. Godspeed on your top secret projects, mysterious new engineers!

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