Driftwood: The AA’s summer pavilion


The Architectural Association has unveiled its latest Summer Pavilion: designed by third year Danecia Sibingo, its undulating form now sits outside the AA in London’s Bedford Square

This is the fourth year that the AA has challenged its students to create a temporary Summer Pavilion from sustainable timber – last year’s was a recent D&AD award-winner (see here).

Driftwood was designed by concept designer Danecia Sibingo, a 3rd year student, and her team of Lyn Hayek, Yoojin Kim, Taeyoung Lee, Suram Choi, Kyungtae Jung, Jerome Tsui, Feras El Attai, Rama Nshiewat, Camille Steyaert, Hisashi Kato and Ryan Phanphensophon. Apparently it “provides a thoughtful, provoking reminder of the UK’s inextricable link to the sea – its undulating form created by the motion of the water, carried by waves and coming to rest in busy central London”.

The opening of Driftwood coincides with the AA’s Projects Review that showcases its students’ work. More details here.

Driftwood is on show in Bedford Square until July 25.

Images © Valerie Bennett

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