Dont Judge a Film by Its Nostalgic Faux Book Cover

Ernest Goes to Camp.jpgWhen a website defies both logic and easy description (e.g., Scanwiches), you know you’re in for a treat, and so it is with the “I Can Read Movies” Series by Mitch “Spacesick” Ansara. The growing collection of film-based book covers designed with a Saul Bass/Alvin Lustig flair imagines “novelizations of major pictures” such as Ernest Goes to Camp, Space Jam, and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory—in Japanese (English subtitle: “Mr. Wonka! Just Punisher of Coddled Children”). Click on each cover for a bonus comment/film quote. In the case of Wonka, it’s “You’re going to love this…just love it,” which should be said with a maniacal Gene Wilder gleam in one’s eye.

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