DIY Webbing Tutorial on a Budget, Part 5: Putting It All Together


In Part 1, we covered materials and hardware.
In Part 2, we covered tools.
In Part 3, we showed you how to set those tools up for webbing.
In Part 4, you learned the crucial Box X stitch.

Now it’s time to put it all together and create your own projects. To demonstrate a project from start to finish, and explain some things you’ll want to keep in mind as you work on yours, I’ll make a dog collar from scratch. Whether or not you own a dog, watching this project being made will be useful, because a collar uses the most common webbing hardware parts: Squeeze-release buckles, a webbing slide for adjustability and a D-ring you can shackle things to. Using these same techniques you can make plenty of non-dog-related items, like the box-carrying harness I showed you in the first video. Once you understand how it all comes together, you can design your own items and start making them.

Hit the jump for some review tips.



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