DIY Dyna Moe: AMC Taps Mad Men Illustrated Artist for Avatar Application

madmen ourself.jpgWith the season three premiere of Mad Men only weeks away, AMC is rolling out a slew of online gewgaws (which we prefer to “social media-based viral marketing initiatives”). Along with the typical quizzes and e-cards is Mad Men Yourself, a just-launched site that allows user to create their own stylized ’60s avatars (that’s us, at left, going for a chic Betty Draper look that is very Michael Kors fall 2008) by choosing from an assortment of body shapes, facial features, hairstyles, and accessories—including a martini, a cigarette, and a doughnut, recalling a time when all three were acceptable to savor in the workplace. Drop your avatar into settings such as the Sterling Cooper offices, a picnic, or a pattern that looks ripped from the Draper family sofa. The illustrator behind the application’s infinitely customizable characters is none other than Dyna Moe, who you may recall as the creator of Mad Men Illustrated, the delightful series of drawings inspired by scenes from the show and the New York-based illustrator and designer’s own cache of period advertisements. “The show is famous for its meticulousness,” she said recently. “And I try to reflect that in the simple cartoony way that I draw.” Now go forth and Mad Men Yourself.

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