Designers Accord’s First Town Hall in New York: March 5


Following on the success of Town Hall meetings conducted last year on the west coast, the Designers Accord will host its first New York City-based meeting on March 5th, 2009. Smart Design will host in their their spacious conference room in the Starret-Leigh building. Here’s the pitch:

Members of the Designers Accord meet locally to discuss what it means to think and act in socially and environmentally responsible ways in the creative community. Because the commitment to more sustainable design is often a process involving leadership and continuous learning, we believe the face-to-face meetings will provide inspiration and enrichment to Designers Accord members.

When: March 5, 2009, 6-9 PM.
Where: Smart Design New York 601 W. 26th Street #1820
Light refreshments to be served

How it will work:
6:00-6:30 Socializing, networking
6:30-6:45: Update on the Designers Accord Movement
6:45-8:00: Unconference format, where up to 10 people have 5 minute slot to present dieas, cases, provocations, etc. Presenters sign up at the event
8:00-9:00: We’ll identify key themes based on locally relevent issues, and the content of the presentations, and conduct short breakout groups to discuss the major themes identified.

Seating is limited, so please RSVP. jenvandermeer at gmail dot com.

There is no cost for attending, but we will accept donations for the Designers Accord, a not-for-profit organization.

Core77 is a partner of the Designers Accord, providing a platform for adoption of the accord through its design firm listing site


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