Designers Accord San Francisco Town Hall: Reflections and Photographs


This past Thursday, May 7th, the Designers Accord brought adopters and design community members together for a third installment of the newly formed Town Hall meetings, hosted by LUNAR in their San Francisco studio. With the purpose of providing a forum for members to meet locally and discuss what it means to be active in socially and environmentally responsible ways within the creative community, these meetings have been gaining momentum over the past few months as designers, educators, business leaders, and students come together to participate in the sustainability dialogue.

Thursday’s discussion was bright with inspirational thoughts and aspirational “what ifs” as the group of 27 attendees and five presenters, with five minutes each, dove right into ideas surrounding everything from material selection to the roles of certification to how game theory might be employed to modify human behavior for the good of the planet and the people on it.


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