Designers Accord Philadelphia Town Hall: Reflections and Photographs


We’ve got two post-scripts from last week’s Designers Accord Town Hall Meeting at Bresslergroup in Philadelphia. Thanks to Rita Cavicchia and Margie Gorman for their thoughts, and thanks to Elysa Soffer and Peter Camburn for their photographs!


Designers Accord Town Hall Meeting, Philadelphia, April 23, 2009 at Bresslergroup
By Rita Cavicchia

Last Thursday, April 23rd, the first Designer Accord Town Hall meeting in Philadelphia brought together designers, students, entrepreneurs, and corporate representatives alike, in what turned out to be a most dynamic meeting of minds. The shared purpose was to discuss sustainability. Although somewhat undefined, the platform pieced itself together brilliantly throughout the course of the gathering to eventually become a myriad of soap-box moments, where voices spoke passionately–albeit briefly–on the presence (or absence) of sustainability in our life-works, businesses, and of course, our world-at-large.

The meeting took place in the panoramic studios of the Bresslergroup, positioned in the heart of the design corridor of Philadelphia. The space itself harvested an energy that seemed to put guests at ease right from the start. That, and the aperitifs, made for a great half hour of business card exchanging and friendly smiles. Peter Bressler himself nestled comfortably in the space amongst a group of friends, colleagues, and dare I say, admirers. Roughly 50 souls and 8 individual presenters set the stage for what was to become a cordial and open forum.


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