Designer To Watch: Francis by Christian Francis Roth

Nineties fashion darling Christian Francis Roth is back in action! At 21 he was welcomed with open arms by 7th avenue as their latest prodigy with his designer label Christian Francis Roth. This spring marks his comeback to the New York fashion world with Francis, an upbeat women’s contemporary line. The collection offers fresh, happy modern clothes for the girl who is looking for something with a cool new vibe. Known for his Crayola crayon colors and pop art references, the new collection retains all of the interesting detailing and lighthearted approach he did in the 90’s. The collection is meeting the girl gangs roaming the halls in “Gossip Girl” and the cult flick The Warriors, leaving us with a tongue-in-cheek look. Preppy staples like classic blazers with oversized crests and polo dresses are mixed with downtown cool graffiti prints and flirty cocktail dresses, perfect for the uptown girl living in a downtown world. The line hits the streets soon, so grab your own girl gang and your wallet and head to the stores! Christian Francis Roth will be available at Bergdorf Goodman, Bloomingdale’s and Nordstrom stores nationwide.

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