Design Museum Preps for Its Move, Asks If Anyone Can Give Rem Koolhaas a Hand


In another museum-related visit back to days gone by, remember the rumor that London’s Design Museum was thinking about making a move to a new building? Well while you’ve been over here Americaning it up, there’s been movement and the museum has made it official, that they will be moving to West London, into that same rumored structure named the Parabola. To help speed things along as they’re planning out the new museum, all under the helm of Rem Koolhaas and his pals at OMA, they’ve decided they need a little help and have issued a call out to firms who can work alongside the starchitect in handling some shared work:

The Design Museum is seeking a design team, led by an architect and also comprising a structural engineer, an mechanical and electrical engineer, a construction design and management coordinator and a catering consultant to work on the museum fit-out within the Grade II*-listed building.

This work will include creating temporary and permanent exhibition spaces, education, event, catering and retail spaces, an auditorium and associated office storage, circulation, back-of-house areas, plant, and plant-related services.

Maybe one of the most high-profile gigs running in the UK right now? We’re expecting they’ll be swimming in proposals when the invitation closes early next month. The Design Museum itself is set to make the move as early as 2013, assuming everything goes as planned.

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