Design Ignites Change website launches


Worldstudio has just launched their new project, Design Ignites Change, aimed at bringing design thinking to and from high school and college students. Teaming up with with the Adobe Foundation’s Adobe Youth Voices, Design Ignites Change “encourages talented high school and college students to use the power of design to address social issues in their local communities through substantive public projects.” There are already 15 colleges and universities signed up, who are targeting issues such as racism, economic inequality and climate change. Here’s more:

Students are working to develop actual, visible projects aimed to stimulate thought, dialog, action, and ultimately, change. A major component of the initiative is a mentoring program through which college and university students, educators and creative professionals, work with underserved high school students to develop projects that will benefit their own communities, while giving them a voice around important social issues.

Learn more about the initiative here.
Join your school up here.
Check out mentoring here.
Get in on the HotButtons here

[Disclosure: Core77 is a media partner; Allan Chochinov is an advisor.]


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