Design comp for Mini’s accessory rail

pimg alt=”0MINI-Center-Rail.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”539″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pLast month we showed you A HREF=”” the cool center rail/A running down the interior of Mini’s forthcoming Countryman car. While their own designers have thought of plenty of uses for the rail–they’ve got a snap-in cup holder, iPod cradle and sunglasses case–they’re seeking more ideas for things to snap in there, and asking you./p

pThe A HREF=”″ attendant design competition’s/A brief is, well, brief: “[We ask] what YOU would put on the brand new MINI Center Rail of the MINI Countryman. What is something that you don’t want to leave home without and always want to have at your fingertips?” First prize is a trip to Paris for two for the Paris Motor Show, and this competition has an absurdly low barrier to entry–you don’t even have to render your design in 3D, the Mini Design Team will take care of that for the top three designs. Instead, entrants download a template (A HREF=”″ here/A, scroll down to find it) and overlay their concept in 2D./p

pDeadline is May 11th, so get crackin’! As you’ll see at the links above, other entries have already been posted to the site for public /
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