David Lynch and Vittorio Storaro Join Fight to Get Frank Gehry in Lodz, Poland


As we inch ever closer to 2010, what are we most looking forward to hearing more about in the coming year? From this writer, it’s the news (found by way of Archinect) that Frank Gehry has teamed up with both director David Lynch and cinematographer Vittorio Storaro in trying to get the city of Lodz, Poland to come up with the financing to build a cultural center in the heart of the city, designed by Gehry. This week, both Lynch and Storaro made pleas to the city council, practically on their knees, begging them to build the structure, saying what an incredible opportunity it will be for the city. According to the site Polish Architecture, the center would feature not only four movie theaters, but would also have gigantic projections throughout its entire interior, as well as a general focus on cinema, hence the two filmmakers’ connection to the project. We’ll be interested to see how it all pans out. Here’s a rough translation, via Google Translate, of Lynch’s appeal to the city:

Dear Councilors, please do not miss this chance to develop their own city. Please, do everything in your power to your children and grandchildren are proud to live in one of the most interesting cities in Europe. Do not neglect the huge potential that lies dormant in these projects. There is no doubt that these projects will attract crowds of visitors – both artists, entrepreneurs and tourists from Europe and around the world.

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