Dantes Divine Comedy Hellbound for Adaptation in Video Game, Comic Book

dante.jpgComic books and video games are going straight to hell—all nine circles of it. Beginning Thursday, Electronic Arts and DC Comics will preview their adaptations of The Divine Comedy at Comic-Con in San Diego. Both companies are hellbent on bringing the first infernal cantica of Dante’s epic poem to a contemporary audience, one that would rather skip the 14,000 lines of verse and jump right into the vivid doom. EA’s Visceral Games division is developing an elaborate video game version, Dante’s Inferno, in which “a soldier…defies death and fights for love against impossible odds,” picking a path through the afterlife with the help of a soul-reaping scythe, holy powers, and the ability to tame horrific creatures. For those who prefer to prowl the underworld on paper, DC Comics is at work on a comic book mini-series based on the Inferno. Illustrated by Diego Latorre (The Incredible Hulk) and written by Christos Gage (X-Men/Spider-Man), the comics go on sale this December, just in time to prime audiences for the 2010 launch of the game. Can’t make it to Comic-Con? EA’s website invites you to view a trailer for the game and “Explore Hell,” where you can Twitter in Limbo.

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