Daily Obsesh – Zara Wide Stripe Bikini

imageWith so many swimsuits to choose from this summer, why would you want to go with a bikini?

Well, for starters, it shows more skin. And we all know that can be a good thing … depending who you ask.

But second, we found this adorable striped number that we can’t believe costs less than 30 bucks for both the top and bottom! Sales rock.

So get your hands on this itty bitty bikini (and your body in it too) so you can flaunt what your momma gave you on the beach or at the pool. Ahh, we love the summer.

Where to BuyZara.com

Price – $25.98

Who Found ItSusanY was the first to add the ‘Wide Stripe Bikini‘ to the Hive.

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