Daily Obsesh – Yes To Carrots Body Moisturizer

imageAnd you thought carrots were just for your salad? Well, not anymore! Not only are these radical root veggies great for your eyes, but also for your skin and hair!

Yes To is a consumer-inspired line of hair and skin products that combines high-quality organic fruits and vegetables with a special mineral elixir derived from the Dead Sea to nourish and hydrate naturally.

Yes To Carrots Body Moisturizer is like a smoothie for your skin. Made with organic carrot juice, organic pumpkin, organic sweet potato and organic melon, your skin will find it simply delicious! This luscious lotion will both nourish and hydrate the skin.

Not only that, key Ingredients Organic Carrot and Pumpkin are potent anti-oxidants that purify and revitalise the skin.

In a word … Yum!

Where to Buy – Asos

Price – $14.14

Who – Melimeli was the first to add the Yes To Carrots Body Moisturizer to the Hive.

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