Daily Obsesh – SpaRitual Vegan Nail Lacquer

imageYou’re the kind of girl who eats healthy, does yoga and volunteers during beach clean-up days because you care about the environment. You carry your own reusable water bottle and always bring canvas totes to the market. In fact, you’ve even started making an effort to buy organic clothing and skincare products! Being socially aware is your lifestyle €¦ being health conscious is the chicest thing about you.

Why not carry this mantra straight into the nail shop too? Next time you’re in need of a mani/pedi, bring along a bottle of chemical free SpaRitual Vegan Nail Lacquer.

Free of DBP, formaldehyde and toluene, this company focuses on a philosophy steeped in color therapy. With colors like Face of Destiny and Knowledge is Power, this will surely be the most enlightening spa day you’ve ever had!

Where to BuyTenth Avenue Beauty

Price – $10.00

WhoMelimeli was the first to add the SpaRitual Vegan Nail Lacquer to the Hive.

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