Daily Obsesh – Orkney Mukluks

imageIt may not officially be winter yet, but we’re certainly in the winter state of mind! During the long winter months, nothing sounds much better than cuddling at home, snug under some blankets, with hot cocoa in hand and a chick flick on the television. Yes, it’s the season to be snug, comfy and cuddly.

It’s the time of year when running around the house barefoot just doesn’t cut it, and we’ve been find ourselves in un-matching, not so cute socks much too often. It’s seriously starting to cramp our loungewear style! Why splurge on the perfect pair of sweatpants without some cute socks to complete your outfit?!

We’ve found the perfect pair to keep our toes warm and our outfit stylish – the Orkney Mukluk by Eloise at Anthropologie. With the fair isle knit pattern and the ultra adorable pom pom ties, we definitely won’t be relegating these winter wonders to the couch only. Paired with a cute skirt, oxfords and a sweater, these socks are adorable!

Where to BuyAnthropologie

Price – $22

WhoZuzubean was the first to add the ‘Orkney Mukluks‘ to the Hive.

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