Daily Obsesh – Lurex Cartwheel Hat

imageThere are several things a big floppy hat can do for you this summer.

It can protect your face from the sun, keep your hair color from fading (again, those darn UV rays), and it can hide a bad hair day. Not too shabby for such a simple accessory, right?

But, what’s even better is that you too can be the proud owner of this lovely, classic piece of head wear for less than six bucks! Yup, you definitely read that correctly. That means for the same amount of the sandwich you’re gonna buy for lunch, you’ll also be ready to take on a hot, sunny afternoon at the beach or pool in style. Hat tip to that!

Where to BuyZara.com

Price – $7.99

Who Found ItSusanY was the first to add the ‘Lurex Cartwheel Hat‘ to the Hive.

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