Cupnoodle Forms by Nendo

Cup Noodle Forms by Nendo

These souvenirs by Japanese studio Nendo for the Nissin Cupnoodles Museum in Yokohama look like warped reflections in funhouse mirrors.

Cup Noodle Forms by Nendo

The brand’s standard packaging has been distorted by stretching, squashing and melting the forms.

Cup Noodle Forms by Nendo

The museum celebrates the life and work of the late Momofuku Ando, credited with inventing instant noodles in 1958.

Cup Noodle Forms by Nendo

Cupnoodles followed in 1971 after a trip to the US where he noticed customers breaking the packs into a cup then adding hot water for convenience.

Cup Noodle Forms by Nendo

See all our stories about Nendo here and watch an interview with Oki Sato of Nendo on Dezeen Screen.

Cup Noodle Forms by Nendo

See more stories about packaging here.

Cup Noodle Forms by Nendo

Photographs are by Hiroshi Iwasaki.

Cup Noodle Forms by Nendo

Here’s some more information from Nendo:

Cupnoodle Forms: a specialty souvenir for the Nissin Cup Noodles Museum in Yokohama.

Cup Noodle Forms by Nendo

Even minute changes to the form of the Cup Noodle container give it a very different impression.

Cup Noodle Forms by Nendo

A collection of ceramic vessels whose forms remind us that the line between the ordinary and the extraordinary is infinitely fine, and help us to rediscover the ‘small incidents’ that exist submerged in the most familiar things.

Cup Noodle Forms by Nendo

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