CR on Flipboard

Flipboard is a new iPad app that is being billed as a “personalised social magazine”. So far, most iPad apps have been relatively underwhelming (we’re looking at you, Wired) but Flipboard looks to have real potential.

As our regular columnist, Jeremy Leslie, explains over on his magCulture blog “Flipboard sucks in pictures and text from your Twitter, Facebook and other networks and uses a set of well-designed elements to present the material. Basic Tweets appear as text, but Tweets containing links pull in words and images from those links to provide immediate access to the content being shared.”

Thanks to Mills from ustwo for this video showing CR’s Twitter feed on the app

Here’s more about how it all works:

The app looks to have fallen victim to its own success, however. Our repeated attempts to get it working have been met with an overcapacity warning. Apparently a new version has been submitted to the app store but is awaiting approval – as Troy from Flipboard explains here.


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