CR November issue

The November issue of CR focuses on your workplaces – what they look like and what you do there, featuring CR readers from around the world

Our cover this month is by Jellymon in Shanghai. It’s a (very) abstracted visualisation of their studio space and forms part of a feature in which we asked five studios around the world to show us where they work:

The issue was very much inspired by Unit Editions‘ book Studio Culture, from which we have an exclusive extract – an interview with Erik Spiekermann in which he explains (with typical thoroughness) how he would structure his ideal studio


Then we look at ad agency interiors and what meanings they hope to convey about thier occupants


Plus, we visit The District, a creative agency in Cambridge with an art gallery on its ground floor


Take a look at the growing number of creative ‘hubs’ springing up in cities across the UK


And interview three managers from leading design consultancies about how they run their studios

Our Crit section continues our theme of workplaces and practices. Rick Poynor reviews a new book on Unimark, where designers sported lab coats at work

Jeremy Leslie reveals that not all magazine offices are like Mode

And while Gordon Comstock wonders why ad agencies are always full of toys, James McNulty protests against the rise and rise of open-plan

We also have contributions from readers throughout the issue who sent us pictures of their workspaces and commented on an earlier Question of the Week about the subject

For subscribers, we also have a very special Monograph this month. In 1942, Geoff Thomason created and began to edit The B-Line, a magazine for the men of the 48th Royal Tank Regiment B Squadron. The 120 monthly copies of the magazine were printed by hand on a duplicating machine with all equipment and paper stock scrounged from wherever it could be found as the unit fought its way across North Africa and into Italy. Thomason’s grandson, Olie Kay, has all but one of the issues of the B-Line, a selection of which are featured in Monograph this month

Our November issue is out on 22 October

On newsstands, the November issue is packaged in a revolutionary new material that dissolves in hot water – no waste, no landfill. Check it out here

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