CR Annual Best in Book: Radiohead, House of Cards

The current issue of CR features The Annual, showcasing the best work of the past year. Nine projects have been chosen for our Best in Book section, the ultimate accolade. We will feature each of them in a series of posts this week with additional content to further explain each project. In this post, watch a making-of film for James Frost’s Radiohead video and see the responses of filmmakers to the release of its data via Google

The video for Radiohead’s House of Cards, directed by James Frost, is a technological first. Instead of using cameras, the promo was shot entirely by lasers and scanners, giving the images of a party, a street scene, and lead singer Thom Yorke an eerie and enigmatic effect.

The technique is explained in this making-of video:

As befitting the techie quality of the video, it was first released on In addition, visitors to the site could also download the data and create their own visualisations, some of which are shown here.

Director: James Frost of Zoo Film Productions.
Client: TBD Records.
Producer: Dawn Fanning

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